February 9, 2015
10:00 a.m.
San Gabriel Christian Church
1. Call to Order/Welcome/Roll Call/Volunteer Hours
2. Recognition of Host[s] and Guest[s]
3. Approval of December, 2014 Minutes
4. Treasurer Report Approval
5. Old Business: Any Old Business/Updates
6. New Business:
a. Cemetery Update - Certificate of Appreciation Presentation
b. Marker Update
c. Additional New Business/Updates
7. Committee Reports:
a. CLG - Joy Graham
b. Preservation Grant - Geri Burnett
c. Strategic Planning - Joan Ratliff
d. Publicity - Lucile Estell
e. Oral History - Jack Brooks
8. Adjourn meeting
The Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government and is subject to the
Open Meetings Act