I ventured out to the Davison Cemetery on Saturday to try to locate a headstone for somebody on FindAGrave.com. I was unable to find who they needed and was almost unable to find the cemetery. The directions are crazy, but the best I can give you. I was not even sure I was on the correct dirt road and was worried I was just plain-old trespassing on somebody's property! Then, all of a sudden, there was the cemetery! I was so happy to see it! Anyway, here are my directions:
Driving from Rockdale towards Thorndale on US 79:
Look for the Salty Cemetery sign and then a narrow dirt road on the right (with a mailbox) which leads to a farmhouse. Follow the road to the right of the house - then the road will curve to the left between the house and a barn. Continue on this road - you will cross a creek and into the woods. Follow this road as it curves to the right (US79 is visible from here) and then the road curves to the right again (it looks like you can go straight but take the curve to the right - do not go straight). The Cemetery will be on your left.
Karen Norrod
Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Photos courtesy of
Karen Norrod
Directions and Photos courtesy of Karen Norrod
Blake Mayfield from the MCGS asked if I would be able to get owner access to the property for him. The MCAD shows that private property would need to be crossed to gain access. Bert Dockall owns the adjacent eastern property and said that it is drawn improperly. It is accessible directly from the R/W of US 79 W. w/o trespass.
To drive to the Davison Cemetery from the library in Rockdale, take U. S. 79 west for seven miles. Just past the Salty Cemetery sign(CR 446)< one half mile further on U. S. 79W you will see a two story home on your right in a small stand of trees. Turn into the second driveway to your right and park at gate. Walk to the west approx. 80' and you will see pipe fence corner posts painted silver. There is a gap in the fence to the north and proceed in that direction approx. 300' where the cemetery will come into view.
The Davison cemetery was visited 03/27/2015. The cemetery was in marginal condition, but all headstones were accessible. Thanks go to a volunteer effort by Mr. Bert Dockall and Mr. Loy Edmondson for clearing a majority of the underbrush and dead trees so that the cemetery could be accessed. Twenty two legible and two illegible headstones were visible upon this visit.
One Woodsman of the World headstone (Luther Alford, 1884-1913) had a epitaph worth noting. I quote "My youthful friends as you pass by, think I was once as you are now. I am you soon shall be, prepare to go and follow me".
Jack Brooks

Photos courtesy of Jack Brooks