Driving directions from Cameron.
From the intersection of Hwy 36/190 and Hwy 77N, go north on Hwy 77N approximately 0.4 mile to traffic signal at 12th St. Turn left on W 12th St. and proceed approximately 0.6 mile. You will see an entrance to the O. J. Thomas City Park on your right. Turn right and drive approximately 0.2 mile and you will see a headstone with a wrought iron enclosure on your right. This is the lone, remaining, visible headstone in this pauper's field type burial grounds. It is of W. J. McDonald(1860-1924).
Ms. Norrine Holman states in "170 Years of Cemetery Records in Milam County, Texas" the following; "There are only two(one, as of 01/07/2014) readable stones left, but eleven names were added from the various death records". "The poor farm was where the indigent lived and many died and were buried on the grounds. There is no evidence of those buildings today". In the 1991 edition of 150 Years of Cemetery Records in Milam County, Texas, this burial ground was called the W.J. McDonald Cemetery".
Thanks to Jack and Beth Brooks for these directions.