Port Sullivan Cemetery
Rockdale Reporter
January 22, 2009
Page 2B
Port Sullivan Cemetery given ‘historic’ status on Sunday
January 18, 2008
Port Sullivan Cemetery was dedicated as a Texas Historic Cemetery on Sunday, in a ceremony sponsored by San Andres Masonic Lodge No. 170 AF & AM and the Milam County Historical Commission.
Hank Clore, secretary and past master of San Andres Lodge, unveiled the Texas Historic Cemetery Marker as he read the marker inscription.
Jackie Thornton, Milam County Historical Commission Marker Chair, gave the historical overview of Port Sullivan, one of the earliest communities in Milam County.
This cemetery contains the grave of the first Mason to come to Texas, Thomas J. Anderson. Casey Stanislaw read a biography of Anderson. His tombstone is one of grand statue, Anderson was in office in 1871 when he died.
Remarks were given by the Honorable W. David Counts, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Benediction was given by E.J. Provasek, chaplain and past master of San Andres Lodge.
Those attending this ceremony included masons from State and local Masonic Chapters, the Texas Historical Commission, families that have grave plots there and those with an interest in the history of the area and county. Approximately 125 people participated.
Volunteer Dean Trubee had worked for several years prior to his death on restoring the cemetery. His dedication and devotion to cleaning up the briar-infested cemetery drew many people to become involved in the restoration of the cemetery that led to applying for the historical marker. Joe Wallace of San Andres Lodge presented Mrs. Trubee with a plaque to commemorate her
husband’s work.
A reception was held after the dedication at the Branchville Community Center.
Master of ceremonies was Casey Stanislaw, Master, San Andres Lodge. Rev. Charles Wyatt, Assistant Pastor of Old Providence Baptist Church, gave the invocation, followed by the posting of the colors by Edwin Hardy Post No. 9 American Legion, Gerald Elliot, Commander.
The National Anthem was performed by Eddie Mora on trumpet, and the Pledge of
Allegiance to the U. S. and Texas Flag was led by Willyne Stanislaw of the Milam County Historical Commission
Above right, W. David Counts, Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas, spoke at Sunday’s event.
Above left, historical commission members pose with Masons at the new marker.
Photos courtesy of
Dr. Lucile Estell
Port Sullivan
Early important trade and educational center - established by Augustus W. Sullivan in 1835 - River navigation exteded to this point for many years - The Austin-East Texas and the Houston - Waco Roads crossed here - On this spot was located Port Sullivan College - Established in the early fifties - incorporated December 16, 1853 - Destroyed by fire in 1878.