Driving Directions: To reach the inactive cemetery from Cameron, in the north
central part of the county, take State Hwy 36 southeast for ten miles to
County Road 336 Loop and turn to the right. Continue on CR 336 approximately
one mile on the gravel road until Griffin's Chapel comes into view. At CR336A
(small sign on left), turn to the left into the lane and proceed until you
see a lane to the right with an abandoned white trailer. Do not go down that
lane, but park there due to the marginally passable lanes in either
direction. Walk in the direction that you had been driving approx. 250 feet
and you will see a gap in the fence to your right. Walk down the meandering
lane a short distance and the cemetery will come into view.
The cemetery was visited 03/19/2015 and was found to be in deplorable
condition. The interments are randomly located throughout a fairly large
area. Many are difficult to get to due to underbrush, fallen trees and dense
thorny vines. It is recommended that gloves, a long sleeve shirt and a large
pruner be taken when visiting this burial ground.
Request for info RE: clean up of Propect Cemetery rec'd from Janna Kaelin. Email forwarded to MCHC
On July 17, 2014 I visited and photographed Prospect Cemetery. I did a grid search as best as possible
and photographed all that I found. I did upload all pictures to FindaGrave. I do plan to return but it
would have to be in the winter because of the large amount of plant growth from the Spring 2015 rains.
Holly Jentsch
Gause, Texas