From Rockdale - intersection of US 79/US77:
South on US 77 for 7.6 miles; turn right onto CR
313 to Cemetery. Cemetery is on the left but is
not visible from the road. There is no sign nor
road to the cemetery - you must climb a fence
and walk to the cemetery.
Also See Below directions
The head stones are cement poured
into a tub that is resting at an
angle to create the shape. The
names, when legible, were written
with a finger in the wet cement.
Some have been pushed/shoved by the
cattle that graze openly in the
adjacent fields
and in the woods.
The footstones are scattered about
and some are in a pile indicating
some human involvment.
The location for it as shown in
Google is not accurate unless there
was a cemetery in the middle of the
field I did not see. The actual
location is about 150 yeads
Southwest of the shown location and
about 30 yeards or so inside the
woods near that "point" that sticks
(Thanks to Jim McDaniel for the photos
and descriptions above)