Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Requests for Info
Received via Website

Bonnie Etter
Comments : Hello,
I was wondering if you could tell me who to contact about being able to go out and take pictures of the San Xavier archaeological site.
I am a graduate student studying GIS and environmental archaeology, and I wanted to see how far the rivers were from the mission site.
Thank you,
Standard reply sent to Ms Etter. Email forwarded to MCHC members and others interested in MC history.
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Hello, Ms. Etter.
First off, I would like to make you aware of an excellent reference source dealing with the three San Xavier mission sites should you not be aware of the same. It is called; The San Xavier Missions, Report # 16, by the late Dr. Kathleen Kirk Gilmore. In 1969, she, with the assistance of others, performed archaeological digs verifying the location of two missions--San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas and Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria. I have not found a more thorough and inclusive reference source to date. This book may be ordered through the Milam County Historical Museum in Cameron, Texas. The book sells for $30 plus shipping. The Museum may be contacted at (254) 697-8963 Tuesday through Friday 9 am until 4 pm.
Ms. Etter, I'm not sure that I understand your email. Are you planning to personally visit, or are you requesting that one of our members take photos of the three mission sites for you?.
All three mission sites are within a two mile circle of one another and each being on other individuals property. They all are located between the nearby junction of the Brushy Creek and the San Gabriel River. Each has its own Texas Historical Commission, Centennial (1936) marker. See attachments # 1 and 2 which are from pages 64-65 in the earlier mentioned reference. Two of the mission centennial markers were initially placed in incorrect locations and were moved to the correct locations around 2010. See attachment # 3 and 4, pages 73 and 83 ibid. which shows examples of the Archaeological dig on the San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas mission site(Felton Farm).
Attachment # 5 is the best that I could do to portray the distance to the San Gabriel River and the Brushy Creek from each of the mission sites. Please keep in mind that there are no visible remains to be seen of any of the mission sites other than their corresponding THC Historical Centennial Marker. The same applies to the presidio whose location is approximately 3/4 mile to the west of the Nuestra Senora de la Candelaria mission site. No THC Marker.
The following are details of each of the mission THC Markers
The San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas mission is located on the Frank Felton Sr. farm. Location FM 908, 1/4 mi. east of CR 432.
The Nuestra de la Candelaria is located on the Milton Frei property. Location CR 432 1/4 mile south of FM 908.
The San Idefonso Mission, by the location of the THC Centennial Marker, appears to be either on the
Mark Blazer property or the Scott Schobel property since the marker is in close proximity to the two property lines. I need to research that further in the future. Location CR 429, 0.3 mi. south of FM 908.
Please let me know if I may be of further assistance to you.
Jack Brooks
