Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Jessie Elder
7617 Greenfield, Dr,
Alvarado, TX 76009-8206
Need help with headstone. Need to get it re-level - Little River Baptist Church and Cemetery.
Standard reply Sent to Jessie Elder. Email forwarded to MCHC members and others interested in Milam County history.
John Brooks <>
Hi Jessie,
Regarding your inquiry, I may be able to help you with the leveling of the headstone depending on its size. I would be happy to do that as a courtesy to you on behalf of the Milam County Historical Commission.
May I have the name of the interred to see if Find a Grave has a photo of the headstone on their site?
I'll then have a better idea of what may be required and if it's something that I can manage by myself.
My wife, community volunteers and myself have made improvements to numerous Milam County cemeteries so we're familiar with the type of work that you are requesting.
Jack Brooks
Here is a recent pic , I have D-2 For cleaning - was going to clean but was afraid it might fall over. It leans forward.
Thank you.
You have the best product that is available for headstone cleaning. I'm able to tell that it will take 2-3 applications at least a month apart to clean that old girl.
I'll take a look at your headstone this afternoon and see what needs to be done regarding its foundation. Sometimes it's as easy as cleaning out the slot and re-mortoring the tablet in the slot. Then again, if the base is broken, a new base will need to be formed up , rebar placed and concrete poured and finished.
None of it is a big deal on such a conservatives size headstone.
John Brooks <>
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Piece of cake, base not cracked. Will level it up in the next few days when I
have a level,shovel, digging bar and construction adhesive caulk gun.
Requests for Info
Received via Website

Peggy Wright <>
Jessie, I kinda doubt the historical commission has people with this ability. If not, you can contact the local funeral homes for names of people who might do this. Rockdale Memorial Company in Rockdale is doing some curbing and other work on my lot. They can probably give you a reference.
Peggy Wright
Texas State Statutes 711 etc. gives you every right to visit a cemetery as a family descendant.
Furthermore, it is the family's responsibility to maintain the plot unless a perpetual care cemetery, which Little River is not.
Every Cemetery Association has additional rules regarding flowers, decorations and the like. Treat the plot like you inherited it and improve the headstone and then decorate according to Association guidelines.
I have some D2 with me and was going to give the headstone its first treatment before I left. My experience tells me that it will need at least two more treatments about a month apart.
Would you like me to initially doctor it while here and you follow up on the others?.