Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Requests for Info
Received via Website

Holly Naizer
14053 Sunshine Rd
Holland, Texas 76534
I am wanting to speak with Joy Graham about the Rock houses in Milam County. My Uncle John Talbott was the Builder. My Mother Marie Karl took me around the country-side recently and showed me all the houses that he built.
Email forwarded to Joy Graham.
Hello Ms. Naizer,
Would you or your mother happen to have a listing of the addresses of the Talbot rock homes?. Are a majority of them easily visible from the road?. I believe that visitors, as well as residents of the county, would find it an enjoyable drive viewing them.
I searched the internet and was unable to find any information regarding these homes.
I did note this obituary:
TALBOTT, Oleta McKnight of Cameron. Age 71. Died 6/1985 (Sat.) at her Cameron residence. Services held (Monday) in Phillips & Luckey Chapel. Burial in Sandy Creek Cemetery. Minister O.E. Davidson of Cameron Church of Christ officiated.
She was BORN 12/13/1913 in Milam Co. to M/M. Sam Bell & Martha Pearl Williams McKnight. Married John Stone Talbott on 3/21/1932 in Rockdale.
She moved to Cameron from Rockdale 5 years ago and was a housewife.
SURVIVORS: Husband, John Talbott of Cameron; son, John Douglas Talbott of Stinnett; daughter, Sylvia Talbott Schattle of Cameron; 2 brother, Dan McKnight and Max McKnight, both of San Antonio; sister, Jewell McKnight Burgess of Arlington; 4 grandchildren.
SS Death Benefit on #463-34-3670.
Is the above John Stone Talbot the same individual that constructed the homes?
Thank you in advance for any history that you or your mother may share regarding these uncommon homes in Milam County.
Jack Brooks
Mr. Brooks,
I have photos of the homes in Milam Co that Uncle John Built. I will talk to mom and see what other info she might have.
I am the librarian at the public library in Holland. Would you like to drive down one day and meet her at the library or mom and I could travel to you.
God Bless
Holly Naizer
Ms. Naizer,
Yes, I certainly would like to see the photo's of these homes. Possibly with your and your mothers permission, share them on our MCHC website so that others may enjoy them.
I live in Taylor and I would be happy to take the short drive up Hwy 95 to Holland. I'm able to jockey anything on my schedule this coming Monday, Tuesday and Thursday if any of those days would be suitable to you and your mother.
Blessings to you as well.
Jack Brooks