Milam County Historical Commission - Milam County, TX
Statue of Ben Milam at Milam County, TX Courthouse
Old Junior High School Building, Rockdale, TX
Milam County Courthouse - Cameron, TX
Preserve America
Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Linking seems to be one area that causes trouble for many.
I've tried to explain the process in an easy-to-understand manner.
It makes sense to me anyway.  Feel free to comment and/or offer suggestions.
And if, by chance, it might help one person, it was worth my effort.

Think of hyperlinking as giving someone your address on the internet.  A link is nothing more than telling someone how to get to a certain page on the internet.  The link simply says 'go to my site and this certain page'.

Lets say you live in a huge apartment building located at 1234 Main Street and you live in Apartment 2500.
Now a friend wants to come visit you but has never been there.  So you want to give them the address: 1234 Main Street - Apartment 2500

The street address represents your domain: which is often shown in explanations on linking as

Since your address on the internet is your domain name we now have ( =
Using this as a link will take them to your Home page.

But when they get there, they don't know which of the many apartments they want to visit - just as a visitor to your site's Home Page doesn't know which of the many pages they want to visit - So you have to give them more specific instructions: you have to tell them Apartment 2500.
(For your internet address, this will be your page name as you saved and published it: 'apartment_2500' (following protocol in naming and saving pages: no spaces and all lower case letters).

Since a link is nothing more than telling someone how to get to your page, then the directions to your apartment would be: youraddress/yourapartmentnumber and the directions to your internet page would be

Almost done.  Now you add the extension at the end.  This will most probably be .html  but could be .php.

That's it!  So using the formula: we now have the link:

Just remember:  You're telling people where to go when they click on the link: 'go to my domain/visit this page'. 

Please realize the importance of having the exact information.  A typo or any variance in the link from what the page is named will not get to your page.  'apartment-2500' is not the same as 'apartment_2500'.

Linking Help