Sugarloaf (Faubion) Bridge
Milam County, TX
From Gause: take FM 2095 to CR 264; turn right
(north) onto CR 264 for 1.7 miles

The Sugarloaf Bridge is a 234-foot long, pin
connected Parker Through Truss bridge located over
the Little River near Historic Sugarloaf Mountain in
Milam County. Parker Trusses such as this one, were
developed by C. H. Parker in a series of patents
filed between 1860 and 1871. The Truss span used
for this bridge was originally erected in 1896 over
the Brazos River on the Bryan - Caldwell Road in
Brazos County. The span was relocated to its
present Milam County site in 1940.
The original Bridge on the Bryan-Caldwell Road had
been constructed at the site of the Pitts Ferry
Crossing by the Brazos River Bridge Company as part
of a multi-span toll bridge. In 1909 it was
purchased by Brazos County and continued in use as a
free bridge until 1930, when the Texas Highway
Department constructed Highway 21. The bridge was
abandoned upon completion of a new Brazos River
crossing on SH21.
Meanwhile in Milam County the Faubion Bridge was
located on an early route known as "Ramons Road"
about a mile upstream from the present day Sugarloaf
Bridge. It was the only crossing of the Little River
in the area. After the Faubion Bridge fell into the
river in December of 1937, Milam County hired the
Austin Bridge Company to move one of the spans of
the old abandoned Brazos River bridge and erect it
here near the base of Sugarloaf Mountain.
In 2006 this bridge was restored by the Texas
Department of Transportation using Federal Highway
Administration Transportation Enhancement Funds.
The bridge continues its transportation legacy as a
pedestrian bridge and continues to stand as an early
landmark of Texas history with a heritage proudly
shared by the people of both Brazos and Milam
The two photos below show
the Texas Historic Bridge
Marker and the location of
the marker on the bridge.
This marker had been stolen
- see article below.
View from Sugarloaf Bridge looking
upstream toward the new bridge.
Plaque stolen from historic bridge found
Rockdale Reporter, September 10, 2009
Page 6B
A plague stolen from the Faubian Bridge,
a 1939 structure spanning the Brazos River
near the foot of Sugarloaf Mountain, has
been found by a road crew in Brazos County.
Lewis Stracener of Hearne was working with
his road crew in Brazos County when they
discovered the plaque. He took it to his
wife, Kathy, an avid historian. A call to
Milam County Judge Frank Summers gave the
Straceners the contacts to get the plaque
back home.
Slightly damaged, the plaque is now being
refurbished and will soon be mounted again
on the historic bridge.
The Texas Department of Transportation in
2006 had scheduled the bridge to be replaced.
But because of its historical significance,
the bridge was converted into a pedestrian
bridge which stands in salute to the role
of iron bridges around the state.
The Milam County Historical Commission plans
to sponsor a dedication once the marker is
restored, said Lucile Estell, spokesperson.
Photo courtesy of Rockdale Reporter
From left, Darlene Anglen, Kathy
Stracener and Robert Gaston.
Both Anglen and Gaston are long
time residents of Gause and avid
Milam bridge’s historial marker to be re-dedicated
by Jeanne Williams
Temple Daily Telegram
April 14, 2010
Gause — The 1896-era Faubion Bridge — a hand-me-down, truss-span steel structure
orginating as a Brazos River crossing between Bryan and Caldwell before it was salvaged
in 1940 as a Little River conveyance in rural east Milam County — will be revisited
during a Milam County Historical Commission ceremony at 2 p.m. Sunday. The commission
will re-dedicate a plaque honoring the antique bridge, which has been restored as a
pedestrian-only crossing over the Little River on County Road 264 near Sugarloaf
A commemorative plaque was stolen in September 2009, three years after restoration was
completed by the Texas Department of Transportation. The plaque was recovered by Lewis
Strachener and a crew cleaning a ditch in Brazos County.
The crew notified Milam County Judge Frank Summers, who returned the marker to its
rightful owner. The marker was slightly damaged during its abduction and has been
repaired by Wade and Ward Timmerman, sons of the late Tommy Timmerman of Rockdale, who
refurbished markers during the 2001 Milam County Courthouse restoration.
Speakers at the Sunday afternoon ceremony will include TxDOT public information officer
Bob Colwell of Bryan, historical commission member Jackie Thornton, co-chairs Dee Dee
Green and Geri Burnett, Summers, and Commissioners Dale Jaecks and Kenneth Hollas.
Originally, the Faubion Bridge was the only Brazos River crossing in the area,
historical commission spokeswoman Dr. Lucile Estell reported. The double-span bridge
toppled into the river in 1937. The Austin Bridge Co. was hired to move one of the
spans from Brazos County to the Little River crossing near the foot of Sugarloaf
Mountain. In 2006, the bridge was restored by the Texas Department of Transportation as
a pedestrian bridge after a new bridge was built to accommodate vehicle traffic. Today,
Faubion Bridge stands as a Texas landmark exemplifying early 20th-century suspension-
style architecture.
“Re-dedication of this plaque is indicative of the commitment which Milam County has to
its heritage,” Summers said.

A bridge marker ripped off a
historical bridge by vandals was found
in a Brazos County ditch and returned
to Milam County authorities. The
marker will be re-dedicated Sunday.
Photo by Shirley Williams
Presenting re-dedicated marker were
(from left)
Geri Burnett,
Kathy Strachner,
Commissioner Kenneth Hollas,
Commissioner Dale Jaecks,
Dr. Dee Dee Green.
Faubion Bridge marker re-dedicated
Rockdale Reporter, April 22, 2010
A plaque honoring the historic Faubion Bridge was rededicated Sunday at the bridge
site, according to Geri Burnett and Dee Dee Green, co-chairs of the Milam County
Historical Commission.
Faubion Bridge is located on CR 264 near historic Sugarloaf Mountain in Gause. Upon
completion of this pedestrian walk way by the Texas Department of Transportation,
officials placed a marker on the bridge to help designate its significance. The marker
was stolen by vandals in September, 2009.
The plaque was later recovered by Lewis Strachner and a Brazos County road crew near
They notified Milam County Judge Frank Summers, who saw that the marker was returned to
the rightful owner.
Damage to the marker was slight and could be remedied by refinishing it. The marker was
refinished as a volunteer service by Wade and Ward Timmerman, sons of the late Tommy
Timmerman of Rockdale. They learned the process as their father had refurbished markers
during the restoration of the Milam County Courthouse.
In addition to the Strachners and Timmermans, Bob Colwell of the Texas Department of
Transportation in Bryan was invited.
Assisting the Milam County Historical Commission with the planning of the rededication
ceremony were County Judge Frank Summers and Commissioners Dale Jaecks and Kenneth
MCHC member Jackie Thornton presided.
The Faubion Bridge is a pin-connected Parker through Truss bridge. In 1896, the truss
span used for this bridge was used over the Brazos River on the Brian-Caldwell Road. In
Brazos County. It was located to this site in 1940.
Faubion Bridge, located about a mile from this site, was the only crossing of Little
River in the area. It fell into the river in 1937. Austin Bridge Company was hired to
move one of the spans from Brazos County to this site and erect a bridge near the foot
of Sugarloaf Mountain.
In 2006, this bridge was restored by TxDOT as a pedestrian bridge. Today it stands as
an early landmark Texas history.
Congratulations to Jack Brooks and Dolores Sonntag!
"Answer to the photo from the last issue: The site pictured at left is the Sugarloaf Mountain Bridge on CR 264 in Milam County. Many readers correctly identified the bridge, but congratulations (and prizes) go to the first three to respond: Mary Bradley of Wylie, Jack Brooks of Taylor, and Dolores Sonntag of Rockdale. Thanks to all who participated!"
The Medallion - Fall 2014
publication of the Texas Historical Commission.