Milam County Historical Commission
Milam County, Texas
Minutes of meetings
Meeting Minutes
Marlow Baptist Church, Cameron
December 11, 2017
The Milam County Historical Commission met at the Marlow Baptist Church in Cameron on December 11, 2017. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Chairperson Lynn Young, who reminded all members to record their volunteer hours.
Guests JoAnn Bradford, John Whitmire and Steve Young were welcomed. A Get Well card was circulated for Denice Doss.
There being no objection, the Order of Business was changed so that Randy Billingsley could give a presentation on early Texas history which was videotaped by Steve Young.
Dr. Lucile Estell moved to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2017 meeting as presented. The motion was seconded and adopted.
Darleen Tucker presented the Treasurer's Report as follows:
For the month of October 2017, the beginning balance was $19,780.40, revenue was $326.51 and disbursements were $500. After deducting $4,000.00 reserved for the Rosenwald School, the actual balance for the month ending October 31, 2017 was $15,606.91.
The MCHC Preservation Fund reflected a beginning balance of $9,384.57, revenue of $10.21, no disbursements, for an ending balance on October 31, 2017 of $9,394.78.
For the month of November 2017, the beginning balance was $19,606.91, revenue was $530.00 and disbursements were $91.86. After deducting $4,000.00 reserved for the Rosenwald School, the actual balance for the month ending November 30, 2017 is $16,117.67.
The MCHC Preservation Fund reflected a beginning balance on Oct
Milam County Historical Commission
First United Methodist Church
Family Life Center
112 N. Travis Ave., Cameron
October 9, 2017 - 10:00 AM
1.Call to Order - Welcome/Volunteer Hours
2.Pledge to the U.S. and Texas State Flags
3.Recognition of Hosts and Guest(s)
4.Approval of the August 14, 2017 Minutes
5.Treasurer’s Report
6.Committee Reports
a. Archaeology Month – Randy Billingsley
1. Rancheria Grande presentation October 14th at the Museum, 4:00 pm
b. Bridge Committee - Jack Brooks
c. Cemetery Committee - Jack Brooks
d. CLG - Geri Burnett
1. NPS Grant application for Rancheria Grande
2. CLG grant application for video
3. Marker Survey and restoration
a. Work day October 18th at 8:30 am; Hwy 487 N near FM 1600
e. Marker Committee - Joan Ratliff
f. Preservation Grant Fund - Denice Doss
g. Public Relations – Beth Brooks
h. Strategic Plan – Joan Ratliff
i. Other Committees
7.Old Business:
a.Historic Bridges of Milam County Book – Lucile Estell and Geri Burnett
1.Geri will present books to remaining school libraries
2.Geri will present books to Luminant in appreciation for their donation
b. El Camino Real de los Tejas National Trail report – John Pruett
1. Model Trail Community
2. Annual Conference October 20-21 in Goliad
c. Historic Wallis home – Geri Burnett
1. Demolition mid-October
d. Other Old Business
8. New Business:
a.Save the Old City Hall (STOCH) – Geri Burnett
a.Consider motion to donate honorarium from Milam County Genealogical Society to STOCH
b. SteakTober – Cameron Chamber of Commerce event October 14th
1. Volunteers needed for courthouse tours from 1-4 pm and book sales at the Museum
2. Museum speakers include:
Randy Billingsley - Tales of Texas History
Ed Magre – Crazy Horse: A Sketch
Steve Young – History of San Andres Masonic Lodge
Sergio & Melinda Iruegas – Rancheria Grande Discovered: Pathway between Spanish Tejas and the American Revolution
c. Chris Whittaker has offered pieces of steel cut from bridges to be used as a fundraiser.
d. Other New Business
9. Announcements:
a.MCHC will host the First Friday Coffee at the Lucy Hill Patterson Memorial Library on November 3rd. from 8:30 – 10:30 am. We will sell some of our books, posters, note cards and maps.
1.Volunteer needed to coordinate food, paper plates, etc.
2.Volunteers needed to man the sales table
3.Members should wear their nametags
10.History of First United Methodist Church
11. Adjourn meeting
Milam County Historical Commission is an appointed arm of the Milam County Government
and is subject to the Open Meetings Act.
____________________________________________________ Date___________________
Lynn Young, Chairperson, Milam County Historical Commission
Pleasant Retreat United Methodist Church, Thorndale
August 14, 2017
The Milam County Historical Commission met at the Pleasant Retreat United Methodist Church in Thorndale on August 14, 2017. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Lynn Young at 10:08 am, who reminded all members to record their volunteer hours. Chair Young welcomed guests Teresa Stolte Goetz, Robert McCoy, Mara McDowell, Darrell Gambrell and Shirley McCoy.
The Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America was led by James Bradford and the Pledge to the Texas Flag was recited. The record of attendance and work related hours was circulated.
Joan Ratliff moved to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2017 meeting as presented. The motion was seconded and adopted.
Darleen Tucker presented the Treasurer's Report as follows:
For the month of June 2017, the beginning balance was $17,183.61, revenue was $929.80
and disbursements were $64.50. After deducting $4,000.00 reserved for the Rosenwald School, the actual balance for the month ending June 30, 2017 is $14,048.91.
The MCHC Preservation Fund reflected a beginning balance of $9,245.26, revenue of $108.79, no disbursements, for an ending balance on June 30, 2017 of $9,354.05.
For the month of July 2017, the beginning balance was $18,048.91, revenue was $1,163.06 and disbursements were $9.80. After deducting $4,000.00 reserved for the Rosenwald School, the actual balance for the month ending July 31, 2017 is $15,202.17.
The MCHC Preservation Fund reflected a beginning balance on June 30, 2017 of $9,354.05, revenue of $9.45, no disbursements, for an ending balance on July 31, 2017 of $9,363.50.
Joan Ratliff made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion was seconded and adopted.
Committee Reports:
Archaeology Month – Randy Billingsley. Geri Burnett reported that Sergio and Melinda Iruegas will make a presentation on the Rancheria Grande on October 14th. Geri and Randy will be visiting all classes in all seven schools in the county during October.
Bridge Committee: Jack Brooks advised that Gibson & Associates will be doing repair work on the bridges. He is assisting the City of Rockdale with research for a storyboard to be placed on Henderson Bridge at Skate Park. His research revealed that the Henderson Bridge is the second on that site as he found notes referring to a “rickety old pole bridge.”
Cemetery Committee: Jack Brooks is working on a historical marker application for the Jewish Cemetery. He has repaired the gate damaged when trees fell during a storm earlier in the year. He is also doing research for Sand Point Cemetery at the request of Dr. Donny Hamilton. He is trying to identify and mark the grave of Coleman Campbell Beard who served in the CSA.
CLG - Geri Burnett advised the CLG, with the help of Sergio and Melinda Iruegas, has applied for a grant through the National Park Service to prepare the nomination for Rancheria Grande to the National Register of Historic Places . It is not a matching grant. Letters of support have been received from Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Congressman Bill Flores, State Senator Charles Schwertner and State Representative Terry Wilson.
The CLG is continuing to survey all of the historical markers in the county in order to prioritize repairs. A discussion was held whether to hire someone to do the work or to do it ourselves. All photographs and condition ratings should be turned in by the next meeting in September.
The CLG has filed a Letter of Intent to apply for a THC grant for a video on the historic waterways of Milam County.
Marker Committee – Joan Ratliff advised that all historic marker applications are due to the Texas Historical Commission in November, but she would like them submitted to her as soon as possible. Geri Burnett has offered to help with the committee. Dr. Lucile Estell and Geri Burnett are working on a marker for Bridge Park. A non-THC marker with the same text may be placed on one of the historic bridges. Joan mentioned that the City plans to place a storyboard at Bridge Park.
Lynn Young inquired about the cost of a marker for Old City Cemetery. Jack Brooks advised the Old City Cemetery Committee has about $1500.
Lynn also advised a marker application for San Andres Masonic Lodge would be submitted within a week.
Preservation Grant Fund: Denice Doss reported that the Committee met recently and revised the application form for 2018 PGF grants. A suggestion was made that some of the MCHC members work closely with the applicants and steward them during the grant process.
Lynn advised the historic preservation funds from the City of Rockdale will be funded by the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund and therefore applicants must demonstrate how the grant will improve tourism.
Public Relations – Beth Brooks reported that the local papers have published several articles on the MCHC, including the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award to Geri Burnett, the June meeting at the historic Beard Rock House, the Wallis House and the August meeting announcement. The MCHC Facebook page continues to grow.
Strategic Plan – Joan Ratliff reported that the Executive Committee has begun reviewing the Strategic Plan. After input from the Committee chairs, the plan will be presented to the MCHC.
Old Business:
Historic Bridges of Milam County book: Geri Burnett reported that about 100 copies remain to be sold. Once all are sold, we should net about $3,500. Lynn advised copies had been presented to the Libraries in Cameron and Rockdale. Mary Neeley offered to present copies of the books to the schools in Gause and Milano. Darleen Tucker will present books to the schools in Thorndale.
El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail – Lynn advised the Executive Board that the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail is planning to adopt a proposal to establish Model Trail Communities. The first one will be in Milam County. The annual meeting will be held in Goliad on October 21st with a historic tour on October 20th. The public is invited.
Historic Wallis House – Geri Burnett reported that three of the four structures have been demolished. Demolition of the Wallis House is scheduled for September 1st. Almost all of the historic artifacts have been sold, including the petrified wood wall. She expressed appreciation to Annette Stone for her assistance. Over $5,600 has been raised for the restoration of the stained glass windows.
Maintenance and Repairs at the Courthouse - Lynn toured the Courthouse in July with the part-time maintenance man, Roy, and two plumbers to inspect for leaks. They determined the boxes on top of the downspouts were loose, causing water to run beside the downspouts. These will be repaired. The roof will be retarred to prevent leakage to the third floor.
Lynn made a presentation to County Judge Barkemeyer, the Commissioners, County Clerk Susan Vansa and others on July 14th requesting the 2018 budget include needed repairs for the courthouse. Judge Barkemeyer will include $5,000 in the2018 budget for the Preservation Grant Fund.
With the help of Stan Graves, we will be applying for an emergency grant from the Texas Historical Commission to install a French drain around the perimeter of the Courthouse.
Lynn is looking for suggestions for speakers and sites in which to hold our new educational programs and lectures about Milam County history. Suggestions include Ricky Williams to discuss his historic National Currency collection, Rancheria Grande and a program by the descendants of Ben Milam. Other suggestions include Jack Brooks’ many interesting stories about early Milam County history, the restoration of cemeteries, and preservation of historic documents and photographs. Jerry Caywood is a great resource. Potential meeting places include Little River Baptist Church, Milam County Historical Museum and Liberty Community Church.
New Business:
Save the Old City Hall – Geri Burnett advised a group of concerned citizens have formed STOCH to save the Old City Hall. Geri is on the Executive Committee. An anonymous donor has offered to match funds up to $1,000,000. The City is responsible for up to $500,000 and the community will need to raise $500,000 within two to five years. The City of Rockdale will spend $40,000 for an Archaeology Preservationist, hopefully Stan Graves, to prepare a proposal. STOCH will hold a town hall meeting on August 21st.
The Cameron Chamber of Commerce has invited the members of the MCHC to give tours of the courthouse on Saturday, October 14th during “Steak” Tober. Volunteers include Jack and Beth Brooks, Geri Burnett, Lynn Young and Joan Ratliff.
Lynn announced Dr. Donny Hamilton has generously offered the copyright of the drawing of the Beard home to MCHC to use as a fundraiser, perhaps on notecards. Geri suggested cards of several historic sites in Milam County be packaged together and sold. Suggestions of sites include the Depot in Rockdale, the Beard House, the SPJST in Buckholts, the Worley Bridge, the Old Jail in Thorndale, the Courthouse and something with a historical marker. Geri will ask Rosie Johnson if she would consider drawing them. The possibility of selling Christmas ornaments with those drawings was discussed.
Darleen Tucker moved the MCHC renew its membership in the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail at the Pioneer level of $100 per year. The motion was seconded and adopted.
Geri Burnett moved to authorize up to $100 to purchase supplies with which to restore faded historical markers. The THC website has a video on restoring and repairing markers. The motion was seconded and adopted.
The MCHC has been contacted by the co-chair of the Gregg County Historical Commission inquiring about establishing a CLG Committee. James Brymer moved to provide a copy of our Historic Resources Survey to other Historical Commissions at no charge. The motion was seconded and adopted.
Jack Brooks asked members to sign a Get Well card for Annabelle Hodge-Heine who is recovering from pneumonia.
MCHC will host the First Friday Coffee at the Lucy Hill Patterson Memorial Library on November 3rd. The Library provides the coffee and we would only be responsible for table décor, finger food, plates and napkins. We will have the opportunity to sell our books, maps, note cards and posters.
Geri Burnett has been nominated for the THC’s John Ben Shepperd Leadership Award. The award has not been given in several years so many are expected to be nominated.
The Masonic Lodges of Milam County are hosting a public reading of the Constitution on September 16th at the Courthouse and the MCHC is invited.
The THC annual conference is January 10-12, 2018 in Austin.
An Art Fair Walk will be held at the Lucy Hill Patterson Memorial Library on Thursday, September 6th at 6:00 pm. This is a rare opportunity to learn more about the treasures in the Library’s collection, including the art, antiques and historic documents.
The next meeting will be October 9th at First United Methodist Church in Cameron.
Jack Brooks gave an interesting presentation on the history of Pleasant Retreat United Methodist Church.
Lynn expressed appreciation to the hosts and the members of the Pleasant Retreat UMC.
Geri moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:04. The motion was seconded and adopted.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn Young for Annabelle Hodge-Heine, Secretary
Thorndale Chamber of Commerce, Thorndale
Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2017
The Milam County Historical Commission met at the Thorndale Chamber of Commerce in Thorndale, Texas on April 10, 2017. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Lynn Young at 10:03 a.m.
Chair Young welcomed members and guests and circulated the attendance and work related hours sheet. Chair Lynn Young then led the pledges to the flags of the United States of America and Texas.
Lynn graciously thanked our hosts, the Thorndale Chamber of Commerce, Jack and Beth Brooks. Lynn also welcomed new members to the commission, Zane and Eunice Stigall.
The minutes of the February 13, 2017 meeting were approved as presented by motion of Lucile Estell and Randy Billingsley. The motion was adopted.
Darleen Tucker presented the Treasurer's Report as follows:
For the month of March, 2017, the beginning balance was $13,316.30, revenue was $982.57 and disbursements were $29.75. After deducting $4,000.00 reserved for the Rosenwald School, the actual balance for the month ending March 31, 2017 is $10,269.12.
The MCHC Preservation Fund reflected a beginning balance of $5,172.47, revenue of $2.98 (interest income), no disbursements for an ending balance on March 31, 2017 of $5,175.45.
Motion was made to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented by Randy Billingsley, seconded by James Bradford and adopted.
Lynn Young reminded all members to turn in their money collected for book pre-sales.
Jane Becker, Vice President of the Thorndale branch of Prosperity Bank, presented an interesting history of the almost 100 year old bank. She displayed old photographs and newspaper clippings and invited all to visit the bank following the meeting.
Committee Reports:
a. Bridge Committee: Jack Brooks - Joan Ratliff reported that Encore will provide lights for Bridge Park.
b. CLG - Geri Burnett expressed appreciation to Perry and Perry for the use of their lift and employees to remove the remainder of the stained glass windows in the historic Wallis home in Rockdale.
Geri also reported that our grant application for a video on the historic waterways of Milam County was not approved. However, suggestions were made for other avenues for the video. Additionally, the CLG Committee would be assessing the condition of all of the historical markers in the county and prioritizing repairs.
A discussion followed on the condition of the Courthouse and needed maintenance and repairs. Lynn explained the budgetary constraints due to the economic environment in Rockdale and that she has requested assistance from the Texas Historical Commission to prioritize repairs.
c. Preservation Grant Fund: Denice Doss reported that the $5,000 from the City of Rockdale had been received which will be used for the Rockdale Historical Society ($2700) and the Kay Theater ($2300). The SPJST Lodge in Buckholts has requested an extension on their grant from 2016.
d. Cemetery Committee: Jack Brooks discussed the work needed at the Jewish Cemetery and Old City Cemetery in Rockdale. The Texas Jewish Historical Society has $525 in funding and Mr. Lipsitz has contributed $500 for fencing, headstone repair and erosion control at the Jewish Cemetery.
Jack advised that the City has $1700 allocated for the Old City Cemetery. Approximately $1600 would be needed for a historical marker at the Cemetery. Wallace Jones chairs the Rockdale Cemetery Committee.
e. Marker Committee - Joan Ratliff
Joan suggested that a portion of the Hotel Occupancy Tax funds may be available for a historical marker for the Old City Cemetery. The Cemetery received a Historic Cemetery Designation in 2016 as a result of the research provided by students at Texas State University.
Old Business:
a. “Historic Bridges of Milam County” book: Lucile Estell and Geri Burnett reported that the books have been received and will be stored at the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce. To date, 268 books have been sold. Future books signings are scheduled for:
April 18, Milam County Museum, Cameron – 1:00 pm
April 20, Lucy Hill Patterson Library, Rockdale - 6 – 7:00 pm
April 12, 2017, Thorndale Chamber of Commerce, 1:00 pm
b. El Camino Real de los Tejas National Trail report: John Pruett reported on the visit to Gause Survey site by the Members of the Board of Directors of the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail and the Milam County Historical Commission. Lynn mentioned the Texas Parks and Wildlife would be filming sites in Milam County for its weekly PBS series and magazine.
c. Historic Wallis home: Lynn advised she had appointed a committee consisting of Annette Stone, Geri Burnett and herself to determine the best way to sell the salvageable items before the historic home was demolished for the new Police Station. Lynn has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the City that any funds raised could be used for the restoration of the stained glass which would be placed in a City building. Lynn advised a yard sale was set for May 6th and asked for volunteers to help with the sale. Geri reported that the Crown Garden Club had removed some of the historic plants and replanted them in the Old City Cemetery.
d. Rosenwald School: Geri Burnett advised there had been no change in the status of the deed, therefore no further work could be one on the site. The county funds were designated to Rosenwald School and could not be used for another site.
Strategic Plan – Joan Ratliff: No report
Old City Hall public hearing - A Town Hall meeting was held April 6th at the Lucy Hill Patterson Library in Rockdale regarding the planned Police Station.
New Business:
Lynn distributed copies of HB 3418 and HB 4146 and encouraged members to contact their representatives and express opposition to it. Lynn will testify before the Urban Affairs Committee on April 11th in opposition to HB 3418.
James Bradford moved that copies of “The Bridges of Milam County” books be given to each past and current County Judge and County Commissioner as well as to each of the Libraries and High Schools in the county. The motion was seconded by Geri Burnett and approved. Lynn encouraged the Commission members to attend the Commissioner’s Court presentation on April 24th.
Lynn reported that the Executive Committee recommended the story boards located in Cameron and Gause be removed as they are faded and inaccurate. Joan Ratliff moved to accept the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Lucile Estell seconded the motion and it was approved.
Chairperson Young asked if there was any objection to creating a Milam County Historical Commission Facebook page. Hearing none, it was approved by consensus.
Lynn reminded the members to pick up and distribute the Bridges books which they have pre-sold.
Chairperson Lynn Young announced the next meeting would be June 12th at the Beard Rock House in Milano.
Chairperson Young thanked everyone for supporting the efforts to preserve, protect and promote the history of Milam County. James Bradford moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:53 a.m. The motion was seconded by Randy Billingsley and adopted.
Respectfully submitted,
Annabelle Hodge-Heine, Secretary
San Gabriel Christian Church, San Gabriel, Texas
Minutes - February 13, 2017
The first meeting of the Milam County Historical Commission for the year 2017 met at the San Gabriel Christian Church in San Gabriel, Texas, on February 13, 2017. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Lynn Young at 10:05 a.m.
Chair Lynn Young then led the Pledge to the flags of the United States of America and Texas. Lynn circulated the attendance and work related hours sheet.
Lynn graciously thanked our hosts, the San Gabriel Christian Church, Annabelle Hodge-Heine and Carole Simank. Annabelle Hodge-Heine welcomed visiting guests Zane Stigall and Eunice Stigall. Lynn also warmly welcomed new members to the commission, Randy Billingsley and Holly Jentsch.
The corrected minutes of the December 12, 2017, meeting previously emailed to members were accepted by motion of Geri Burnett and seconded by Randy Billingsley. The motion was adopted.
Darleen Tucker presented the Treasurer's Report as follows:
For the month of December, 2016 the beginning balance was $12,679.00, revenue of $204.85. After deducting $4,000.00 reserved for the Rosenwald School, the actual balance for the year ending December 31, 2016 is $8,883.85.
The MCHC Preservation Fund reflected a beginning balance of $9,175.47, revenue of $535.93, disbursement of $550.00, (2016 grant payment to Milam County Museum) for an ending balance on December 31, 2016 of $9,161.40.
January 2017, reflected a beginning balance of $12,883.85, revenue of $183.15 from Milam County Historical Bridges book sales, including $4,000.00 reserved for the Rosenwald School, leaving an actual balance of $9,067.00.
The MCHC Preservation Fund showed a beginning balance of $9,161.40 with revenue of $5.97, interest income. Disbursements included $4,000.00 to Rockdale Historical Society leaving an ending balance on January 30, 2017, of $5,167.37.
Motion was made to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented by Randy Billingsley, seconded by James Bradford. The motion was adopted.
Lynn Young reminded all members to turn in their money collected for book pre-sales.
a. “Historic Bridges of Milam County” book: Lucile Estell and Geri Burnett reported that the books will be shipped on March 20 or March 21. Geri displayed an advance copy. The Rockdale Chamber of Commerce has agreed to store the books in their offices. Posters provided by the publisher will be placed throughout the county for advertisement purposes when the books arrive. Several local businesses have agreed for us to place books in their businesses for consignment. Geri reported book pre-sales are going very well with $2,445.00 having been sold, still owing $4,752.00 to be paid thirty days from date of receipt of books. Scheduled book signings are:
April 7, 2017, Lucy Hill Patterson Library from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
April 18, Milam County Museum, Cameron – 1:00 pm
April 20, Lucy Hill Patterson Library, Rockdale - 6 – 7:00 pm
April 12, 2017, Thorndale Chamber of Commerce, time TBA
b. El Camino Real de los Tejas National Trail report: John Pruett announced a lot of activity in this area. John Pruett and Lynn Young serve on the Board of Directors. John recommended that anyone interested in this field become a member. John reported the possibility of the development of a Model Trail Community with Milam County leading the effort. John noted that it is very imperative that the public be educated in the archaeological history. Members of the Board of Directors will be visiting the Gause Survey site in February.
c. Historic Wallis home: This historic home was built in the 1880's near the railroad and is believed to be the oldest home in Rockdale. Geri Burnett reported that the home was destroyed by fire about one year ago. The City of Rockdale has purchased the property to build a new Police Station. MCHC has permission to enter the property to remove the Victorian stained glass windows. One window in particular, located on the west side of the home, shows promise for possible salvage in making mementos or other items of interest. Annette Stone and Friends of the Library suggested the possibility other salvageable items in the home might be used for the same purpose. Some relics are unsalvageable. It was also mentioned by Geri that plants on the grounds of the property will be transplanted to various locations at opportune times. This project is ongoing. Work is still in progress.
d. Rosenwald School: Geri Burnett reported conferring with John Reddington, Milam County Assistant District Attorney, who advised they have monetarily settled with other citizens but will not pursue restitution of the $6,000.00 donated to Rosenwald School by MCHC for the re-roofing project. Mr. Bean was paid the $6,000.00 but failed to complete the project for various unacceptable reasons. This appears to be a lost cause.
a. Old City Hall public hearing: Chair Lynn Young announced a scheduled public hearing on March 2, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. at The Patterson Center, Rockdale, Texas, to discuss the future of the Old City Hall. Various suggestions have been submitted and will be heard at this time. Lynn asked that all MCHC members be present if possible to voice their opinions and input.
b. Rancherio Grande visit: Dr. Estell reported on the planned visit February 21, 2017 and encouraged the MCHC members to attend. Presentations will be made by Sergio Ireguas, Archaeologist and Steven Gonzalez, Executive Director of the El Camino Real National Historic Trail. Dr. Estell encouraged all to read Texas in the Middle 18th Century by Herbert E. Bolton.
c. The Central Texas Historical Commission: The Central Texas Historical Commission was organized January 25, 2015. The Association is dedicated to the preservation of Central Texas history and culture; to the support of state and local historical society’s museums, and archives; and to the teaching of all areas of history related to the Central Texas region. Their recent publication featured Rainbow Courts.
a. Bridge Committee: Jack Brooks
Chairperson Lynn Young reported in the absence of Jack Brooks that Perry & Perry have placed Sheckles and Galbreath Bridges on their new pylons at Bridge Park.
b. CLG-Geri Burnett: Geri Burnett reported that our grant application for a video on the history waterways of Milam County was not approved. However, suggestions were made for other avenues for the video. She also reported the CLG Committee would be assessing the condition of all of the historical markers in the county and prioritizing repairs.
c. Preservation Grant Fund: Denice Doss reported that the committee met in January. She explained that the City of Rockdale decided to restrict the expenditure of their $5,000 contribution to historic properties within the city limits. The Committee selected two recipients: Rockdale Historical Society ($2700) and the Kay Theater ($2300). Other recipients outside the city of Rockdale include the Milam County Historical Museum ($700) and the El Camino Real National Historic Trail ($1,000).
d. Cemetery Committee: Jack Brooks
James Bradford, Jack Brooks and Holly Jentsch visited the Liberty Hill Cemeteries and straightened headstones. James and Holly reported, in the absence of Jack, finding the old cemetery to be in good condition but the new cemetery in need of care. This is possibly due to some conflict as to the actual ownership of the new cemetery.
e. Marker Committee - Joan Ratliff
In the absence of Joan, it was reported by Lynn Young that there are no applications pending. She also shared with the members the Historical Marker Maps of Milam County from the Cameron Herald and Thorndale Champion newspapers.
Annabelle Hodge-Heine gave a brief history of the town of San Gabriel and the San Gabriel Christian Church. The Stigalls provided a brief history of San Gabriel Baptist Church and the school.
Chairperson Lynn Young announced the next meetings to be on April 10 at the Thorndale Chamber of Commerce and visit to Prosperity Bank and June 12 at the Beard Rock House in Milano.
Chairperson Young thanked everyone for supporting the efforts to preserve, protect and promote the history of Milam County. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. by motion from Randy Billingsley, seconded by Geri Burnett. The motion was adopted.
Respectfully submitted,
Annabelle Hodge-Heine, Secretary