Ervin Westbrook could whip anything into shape
Milam History by Joy Graham
Rockdale Reporter - 2012-08-16
Ervin Westbrook had many skills but the one he is most famous for is his use of a bull
Old timers liked to brag how “Ervin could strip the bark off the biggest oak tree with
“that thar whip of hisen.”
Rachael told the best story about Ervin and his whip: When they started out for Texas,
they used two teams of horses. One team pulled the wagon while the other rested,
walking behind for a day’s rest. Three of them were pretty good, but the fourth was
spirited and a beauty.
That horse was the envy of horse breeders. They traveled along and came to a river and
were going to cross the river on the ferry.
That was until the spirited horse saw that contraption and refused to load on it.
Ervin got out of the wagon, pulled out his whip and commenced to see if he could
persuade that stubborn animal to change his mind.
About this same time, two shady guys appeared and offered to help. Ervin didn’t like
their looks and told them he didn’t need their help, to get back out of the way.
These two men continued to offer help walking closer to the horse with each offer.
Finally they made a quick grab for the horses’ reigns. Ervin’s skills with his whip
came in handy.
One lash-out toward the men with that frayed end of the whip landed right on target.
After one blow Ervin was totally in control of the situation.
All that commotion was enough to scare the horse onto the ferry and cross the river.
Ervin’s brother-in-law John Walker and his family came to Texas at the same time
Ervin’s family came.
These two families pooled their assets and purchased a section of land along Cannon
Snap Creek near Milano from R. S. Wiley.
In June 1861 during the Civil War, Ervin and John joined S. M. J. Benson’s Company of
the Texas State Militia.
Ervin was assigned to buying and delivering beef cattle to the Confederate Army from
1862 to 1865.