‘Sense of place’ needs to be strong in Rockdale
Milam History by Joy Graham
Rockdale Reporter – December 5, 2012
What does ”sense of place” mean to you? To me it’s a feeling or perception of an area,
or location. What does Main Street Rockdale mean to its population? Good Question!
The past weeks we have reviewed historic buildings on Main Street.
Some of the buildings on the east side of Main Street from Cameron to Burleson are over
fifty years old and some are significant to the history of Rockdale.
The two-story building east side of Main and Cameron Streets occupied in the late
1890’s by Perry Drug Store (first floor) and Doctors Sessions and Barkley (second
floor) is remembered by people seeking medical attention.
Almost everyone went to the doctor or drug store. Today that building has been
restored to a loft apartment/vacant office complex.
The next building on the north was Lowenstein’s Mercantile. In the early 1950’s
Linwood Mehaffey had a dry goods business there. Today it is vacant, the result of
damages from a neighboring building collapse.
Ram Optical and Cliff’s Tavern continue up to the alleyway. These buildings date back
to late 1890s.
Vivian Haddox owned Viv-Rae’s Dress Shop and what is Cliff’s today once had a small
jewelry store in the southwest corner of the tavern building.
The large two-story building on the north side of the alley was once Noack’s Grocery
Store. It became Weems' Grocery, followed by Orsag’s Furniture and Appliances. Orsag's
included the three buildings up to Bell Street.
Gus, John and Eddie Backhaus Grocery Store and Birdie Kristoff’s Dress Shop were north
of Orsag’s business and became incorporated into that business.
This half block is now vacant.
Across Bell Street sits the old Buck Henry Garage. Once a popular filling station now
owned by the Noack family, it sits waiting its future.
The last building on the block is the Kay Theater. Volunteers are working to complete
the interior and open to the public a theater, a building to accommodate the
entertainment needs of its public.
Does any of this bring back “Sense of Place?” Think about this “If it is to be, it’s up
to me!” Let’s make Rockdale the “Sense of Place” it was founded upon.
"Milam History"
by Mary Joy Graham
All credit for these articles goes to Joy Graham
and any references mentioned in the articles.
Published in the Rockdale Reporter