Commencement Program - Rockdale High School Graduation - Class of 1939
Rockdale High School
Commencement 1939
Rockdale High School Gymnasium
Monday Evening, May 29
8 o'clock
Invocation - The Rev. P. T. Ramsey
Salutatory - Laura Beesley
Violin Selections - Mrs Smith Summerlin
(accompanied by Mrs. Wynette Marrs)
"Masurka in G" - Mlynarki
"The Rosary" - Ethelbert Nevin
"Indian Love Call" - Rudolph Friml
Valedictory - Eleanor Howell
Violin Ensemble:
"Moment Musical" - Franz Schubert
Address - Dr. Hobb Gray
Presentation of Diplomas - Supt. S. C. Miles
Benediction - The Rev. H. E. Crone
Recessional (Seniors)
Matchbook from
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